Monday 12 January 2009

3 Top Tips on how to be Successful and Happy in 2009

By Queen Chioma Nworgu

1) Reinvent a new you:
Decide to be a new person this 2009, get excited that you can change and be more amazing. Make a drastic change - maybe it could be to totally transform your image, redecorate your bedroom, get a totally new fashionable wardrobe, or to get a shocking new hair cut, replace your old furniture. Start writing your book. Decide go on a travelling adventure abroad for a few months. Or to totally cut back on something that makes you so predictable at home i.e. No more gossiping at work. When you do something amazing and different. Everyone will notice a change and you will like yourself more also. I will give you an example - Rhianna, when she came out with the Umbrella song - her image was totally different, the black hair etc. Everyone was like wow!! Sometimes we have to step out the boat and do something wow :-) I suggest that you challenge yourself to make three big changes this year to be the new YOU that YOU want to be.
Ask I too predictable and boring?
What can I do you reinvent a new me?
What three things will I do to be a more interesting and fascinating this 2009?

2) Dare to Dream Big and Reach for your Aspirations:
So often we can live our lives like it's one big routine and truly forget what we really want. Sometimes we have to take a drastic decision for things to change. Refresh your memory by asking yourself what you really want to achieve to live a fulfilling life. Write out exactly what it is that you would like to see happen in 2009, no matter how big or small it is. Maybe you would like to become a Manager, or start your own Fashion Business, become a Fitness Instructor, part take in a TV programme or work for Radio station. Well, it will not happen unless you begin doing something about it. I suggest write down three of your top goals and write down all the steps that you will need to take to achieve them. Then set reminders on your outlook, phone or diary and keep doing something everyday to work towards your goals. Visualise where you will like to be this time next year. Dream big and go for it :-)
Tip: It may not happen over night, but be persistent and patient, don't let anyone force you into change, rather work on things step by step, also be careful who you tell your dreams to, as some may try to discourage you.
Ask yourself....what can I do to live out my dreams?
What is my personal development plan for 2009?
Am I afraid of change?

3) Reflect on your Successes and Victories:
Write down at least 10 things that you are so proud about or that you have achieved in your life. Read this list at least twice a week. Remind yourself of your past successes as they say that 'Success breeds success'. Think about how you got your job, how you obtained your best grades at school and your qualifications, reflect on that great speech that you gave that got you a standing ovation at your work meeting, think about how you managed to quit smoking or how you started your own business. The more you do this, you will become more positive, happy and thankful. You will also become more confident - which is important. Stop wasting your time by reflecting on all your failures - start to reflect on your successes from today onwards.
Ask it healthy to compare myself to others?
Am I limiting myself by not recognising that I am a great person?
What can I do to love and like myself more?

Hope you enjoyed my blog.

Enjoy your start to 2009 :-)