Wednesday 11 November 2009

5 Steps to Overcome Anxiety

Dear friends,

Anxiety is a bummer right? That's what many of you might be thinking, but you can have freedom from anxiety by strategies such as having a healthy diet, positive self-talk and keeping hydrated, the list is endless. I have listed some effective ways below on how you can overcome anxiety and feel the freedom that you aspire to have. Good luck.

1) Drink water and stay hydrated: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, make sur
e that you are drinking lots, stay hydrated as this will ease and refresh you, our bodies are made up of 90% water so we need plenty of fluids. Dehydration increases feelings of irritability, anxiety and stress. Joyce Meyer says 'when you think it drink it' so when you think of water go get a glass and drink some. Carry a bottle of water with you daily.

2) Cast your care on God:
The bible says that we should pray about everything with thanksgiving and cast our anxieties and cares on the Lord because he cares for us. Get in to a habit of throwing your worries and burdens on God as he is big enough to carry them :-) do what you can do to sort out your problems and give the rest to him and let him take care of your needs. Trusting God is the key to overcoming anxiety. Believe that he has a great plan for your life and refuse to worry.

3) Have a healthy diet: Make sure you eat your 5 fruit and veg a day (Leak is a good veg that reduces anxiety, eat more leak). Drink 6-8 cups of water a day and have a healthy diet. Avoid caffiene, chocolate, fizzy drinks and too much sugary foods as these foods and drinks make anxiety worse. Herbal teas and camomile tea is very good and can cause you to feel calm and relaxed. Watch out for the foods that make you feel better and avoid the foods that tend to make you feel bad.

4) Do something fun and relaxing: Have fun and enjoy yourself, don't take life or yourself too seriously. Do something that you enjoy or that you find relaxing to do daily i.e. watch a feel good dvd, have a nice relaxing hot bath with bubbles and put candles around the room, go and play a game of bowling with friends, do something adventurous like travelling, play a board game with your children, go shopping, get a massage. Think of things that you can do that will uplift you and make you feel really good. Laughter is the best medicine!! it cures worries, anxiety, health problems and increases endophines those feel good chemicals that makes us happy and at ease - so make it a habit to have fun and laugh more, be like a child at times, they tend to laugh at least 20 times more than adults laugh that's for sure.

5) Exercise and Keep Fit: Have a good exercise plan, this should be 30 minutes of exercise a day or exercise for 3-4 days a week. Make it a habit to make exercise a part of your weekly routine. Exercise decreases stress, relieves anxieties and it increases those endorphines which make you feel good so exercise your way to freedom. Make your exercise fun i.e. go swimming, go bowling, dancing, aerobics. It is also helpful to exercise with a friend as your friend can help to motivate you to reach for your fitness goals.

Wait theres more...check out my 5 additional tips below:

1) Be positive and practice being a positive person, be around positive people and you will feel better.
2) Always believe that all things will work out for the best. Say 'Everything is gonna be alright often', 'There is a light at the end of the tunnel', 'I can cope', 'I am loved and cared about', 'I can make it', 'I can take it' serveral times a day.
3) Remember times that you have overcome in your past to remind you that you have made it before and you can make it again.
4) Pratice deep breathing...breathe in count then count to three then breathe out, do this three times, deep breathing decreases heart rate which over time will help to alleviate your anxiety and reduce panic and fear.

5) Do things one moment at a time and don't think too much about tomorrow just live life one day at a time.


Queen Chioma :-)

Email me if you would like coaching on success:
For my motivational videos:

Thursday 1 October 2009

6 Tips on how to become a more Interesting

Dear friends,

I read a really interesting article the other day on how 'How to be more interesting' it was so interesting that I have to share some tips with you as I know that we all want to shine in some way :-)

My 6 top tips are:

1) Make things with your hands: Maybe bake a cake, learn to sow or knit, make jewellery, start painting. People who can do something with their hands always appear more interesting as its a very creative skill to be able to make things.

2) Be more secretive: Create some mystery in your life at times, it's ok to tell people some stuff about your life but it is also good to hold back and keep people guessing.

3) Create an online blog: You may be thinking that this contradicts with point (2) not really as it's good to share some of your interesting experiences in life in a balanced way. Stay in touch with friends and family by setting up a blog account. Share pictures, write articles or blogs. People who write online always come across as interesting especially when they have something good to say. Maybe you could even write about something different i.e. write about films you watch, places that you visit, or books you read...whatever interests you get writing this will make you more interesting.

4) Learn to say hello and goodbye in several languages: Languages can be so much fun. I love Italian...[hello = Pronto, Ciao, Salto], [Good bye = Arrivederci, Saluto]. Maybe you could even go one step further and learn a new language i.e. Spanish, French, German and master the language. All of a sudden everyone will begin to think you are cooler than you were before (lol) and you will be able to put this on your CV which will make your CV stand out from the crowd and it will be so much fun for you to speak with people who speak the same language.

5) Interview one really fascinating person per week: Make it a habit to have a chat with someone who you find really interesting at least one person per week and find out what makes them special, discover there interests and talents and by learning this will inspire you to become more interesting.

6) Go somewhere completey different: Visit places like museums, art galleries, a cathedral, a field, go to the docklands or a lake, capture a beautiful view and it will make you more interesting as you will be doing something different from your usual routine.

Home work:
write down three things that you will do to become more interesting i.e. learn an instrument, visit a museum and start an onlnine blog

Good luck!! Go for it :-) xxx

Saturday 19 September 2009

Dare to dream and set yourself a challenge

Dear friends,

Where do you see yourself this time next year?? What places do you dream of going? I would love to move to Hollywood one day (or at least visit there), I would love to have my own book published
. Dreams are often big....I dream of Hollywood. It's the most beautiful place in the world to me and I would love to be there one day, it may seem impossible but it could actually happen. Many people have achieved the impossible so why should we restrict ourselves and aim low? If we want our dreams to come true or if we want to at least have something to strive for we must know what we want and work towards it.

I am quite inspired by katie Price (believe it or not) she is the author of 32 books and this clearly shows me that she doesn't waste her time, she is straining forwards to the good things that are ahead and works to make the impossible achieveable. She has already run one Marathon and will run the next one in New York this November, I am very impressed, she hasn't allowed her recent broken marriage stop her from being a success, she is real about how she feels but yet still since then she has achieved bringing out her book Saphire and is now embarking on that challenge of running the Marathon as I mentioned above and also she is bringing out a new book called 'Standing Out' on fashion...people would of thought that she would be at home crying and depressed after what had happened but she has proved that she is a go-getter that must be on top of her game and her career, I am not saying that she is perfect and has made no mistakes but she doesn't dwell on her weaknesses and neither should we. I really love Katie.

Homework: Set yourself a challenge that you will be where you dream of being this time next year...i.e. new career, move out of home, new image, new car, learn a language, complete your course, start your own business, loose weight, cut off bad friends, get married....write down where you'd like to be in 1 year time and work towards it daily until you see your goal achieved :-)

Wish you all the best in your adventure of success, you are wonderful.

Chioma xx

Thursday 17 September 2009

4 Keys to Overcoming Anger in a healthy way

Dear Friends,

Let's talk about ANGER today as we all have anger about something or another. Let's face it we have all been hurt, had some rough challenges and been mistreated by those who we trusted and believed in the most. Maybe you lost your job and you feel that it's unfair or even worse maybe you are in a situation where your boyfriend has cheated on you and you feel very much betrayed or perhaps you always find yourself getting angry over the fact that your sister always wears your clothes without your permission - either way anger must be dealt with in a healthy way so below I have typed up some tips on how you can deal with anger in a healthy way.

1) Forgive =
The first step to overcoming anger is to forgive the person who has hurt you. That may seem impossible as you might say to me 'Chioma if you only know what that person has done to me then you wouldn't expect me to forgive them' well I would answer you by saying 'I totally understand how you feel but holding resentment in your heart will never solve the problem and it will only affect you. Joyce Meyer an international preacher often says 'hurting people hurt people, whoever hurt you probably has more problems than you and why should you sit around and be mad at someone who is out having a good time...your smarter than that' I suggest that you forgive..forgiveness cleanses your soul and gets rid of that bitter water. Always remember that someone has had to forgive you too so be generous with mercy too. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you have to have to take back a boyfriend wo cheated and it doesn't mean that you have to be bestfriends with a friend that stabbed you in the can decide that you won't be that close to the person if you don't think it's healthy but the main thing is letting go of the hatred, bitchiness and hatred.

2) Get Active = What do you do that makes you feel better? Is it dancing? Is it singing? Is it writing? Maybe you could set up a blog and start an online journal and post poems or something intriguing like that. This will be a step forward in helping you to overcome your anger. Boxing is also a great way to release pented up emotions of anger. Other than that speak to friends, family about how you feel as they can be a good shoulder to lean on and offer you with some good old healthy advice. Do something positive to express your anger in a healthy way.

3) Shake it off = At one stage or another you must finally come to the stage where you realise that you must get over it, that what has happened is in the past...let it go, shake it off. Shake off that oldness and press forwards to the good things that lie ahead. Make a decision that you will not let it bother you anymore but that you will be a good person and happy and not bitter which leads in to point 4.

4) Succeed even more than ever before =
It is easier said than done but I would venture to say that we should always aim to 'be better in life and not bitter'. Don't let what someone has done to you turn you into a sour person but rather decide to be the best you that you can be. Let your anger be your reason to work harder, let this anger make you want success even more, be passionate about success, prove people wrong who have mocked you, prove that you can be a success story. Katie Price has said that 'Success is the best form of revenge' I agree with that. Never do evil but overcome and conquer evil with good as the bible says (easier said than done but in time you will be able to do this). Success, success, success get on with making your dreams and goals a reality then you will not have anymore time to be angry as you will be too busy celebrating your achievements!!

Good luck, YOU CAN and YOU WILL overcome anger :-)

I love you and support you!!

Chioma xxxx

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Dear wonderful and festive friends,

One of your biggest threats to your success and confidence is to doubt yourself. It can be odd as I am sure that many of you believe in yourself but then you have those days where you think that it is impossible for you to achieve success or your goal. You need to cast off the self-doubt and get more certain, confident and sure of yourself. Affirm to yourself in the face of doubt that you can do it by saying it and thinking I can and I will!!

Maybe you are imagining failure...but you need to cast down those wrong thoughts. The bible talks about casting down imaginations and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the true knowledge of God. It also says in the book of proverbs that 'As a person thinks in his heart so is (he or so does he become)' so If you think failure you will fail, if you think success then you are bound to succeed. Begin to visualise your success today! Make it a habit to say 'I am a success', 'I am a winner', 'I am a valuable person' 'God has a great plan for my life' and think positive thoughts about yourself over and over until you believe without any doubt that you can make it happen.

Homework for the week: Buy a scrap book and cut out all the pictures of the things you want i.e. images of success, an image of a woman or a man that looks confident, clothes, a car that you want, your dream holiday...basically whatever images represent your success and when ever you feel that your doubting. Look at the scrap book and get that courage to believe that you can do it.

Above all never give up....rome was not built in a day so don't despair if you don't become a success overnight!! It will happen just keep working hard :-)

Sunday 31 May 2009

5 ways on how to feel Fantastic and Wonderful

1) Smile: When you smile you release endorphins in your body which creates that feeling of happiness, so I suggest that you embrace a smile and do it often. Smiling makes us feel good and it creates a positive buzz when you smile at others..we are showing that we are friendly, you never know...just by smiling at someone you might meet someone who will take you higher in life or make you feel good, they might pay you a compliment. I have found that I have met some really great people in my life who have blessed me tremendously and it all started with a smile. People who are generally moody, unfriendly and cranky do not really get that fair in life and often don't have many friends so I suggest some good healthy friendliness in your personality. So lets begin to shake off the gloom and start smiling again.

2) Do more of the things that you enjoy and love:
What do you enjoy doing in your life? What are you good at, what makes you laugh and feel great? Is it singing, dancing, watching comedy, spending time with your big sister, travelling, meeting new people, playing your guitar? Whatever it is do more of that...I love singing so I have times where I just sing in the bathroom for at least 30minutes, I belt and sing all songs that I love and it always makes me feel great and uplifts me. So i.e. if you love ice-skating then get your skates on. When you do what you love to do more in your life then, you begin to feel more fantastic and wonderful:-)

3) Be a blessing to others:
Joyce Meyer an international preacher says 'Get your mind off yourself and get busy being a blessing to others' I agree with this principle as sometimes we can get too caught up thinking about ourselves and our lives...instead of self-indulging - every day look for someone to bless. Think of how you can make another person's life better..especially someone who is worse off than you or someone who has been so good to you. For example maybe buy your mum some flowers, write a thank you note to your best friend and post it to her house as a surprise, write a poem to your boyfriend telling him how much you love him, give some of your clothes to charity or even apologise and make peace with someone that your upset. You will be so happy to see how good it feels to help others. When you set mind to help others you will feel fantastic and wonderful especially when you see the smile that you have put on other peoples faces. [Tip: Even if they do not act grateful or if they do not seem to respond in a positive way...don't despair keep up this principle from time to time as your reward will come but it may come in a different way, or through a different person or in a different time in your life].

4) Prune your life: If you want to feel wonderful and fantastic then you may need to cut off some bad habits or let go of some people of things that are not making you happy...if you want to feel better write a list of 10 things that make you feel unhappy and choose three of them to take out of your life. Example (1) Maybe your fed up of how much time you spend on the phone and want to spend more time with your family and relax more - a good way to get limit this would be to go on a phone diet i.e. do not answer calls after 6pm-8pm and switch your phone off by 10pm latest. Maybe you have friends that only talk about problems and that's it...well you may need to get around more positive people, maybe you'd like to exercise more to make you feel more motivated...go for it :-) make small changes for great results. You will feel fantastic and wonderful when you have more time to do positive things in your life and when you let go of those things that frustrate you.

5) Dress to impress: Start looking after you! Your amazing and you need to shine at work, at home, when you go out and even at the gym :-) What colours bring out your eyes and complexion? Wear more of those colours...I find that the colours green and turquoise really suit me...people always tend to compliment me when I wear these colours so I like to wear bright clothes and catchy nice make-up often. Also what do you wear that makes you look boring and need to make a change...I found that I when I was at home I got too comfortable wearing my cosy warm pale turquoise dressing gown in the house, I wore it everyday when I would get home from University - but it was starting to make me look boring so eventually I decided to throw the damn thing away. I want to look fresh and young at home not old and boring lol. Maybe you wear the most fabulous clothes when you go out the when you get in wear the oldest clothes in the world with holes and rips...throw those cheesy clothes away and start to dress to impress everywhere so that you will feel fabulous, confident, free and wonderful everywhere you go and get more of those nice the compliments that you deserve :-)

Good luck with feeling more fantastic and wonderful...enjoy it :-)
If you need any more tips on success, or would like to book coaching face to face, by phone, email or msn then feel free to contact me by e-mail me on

Many thanks

Queen Chioma

Monday 25 May 2009

Persistence is key

Do you find that you really want good things in life but that you can not seem to really fight for what you want? Do you find yourself giving up easily? Do you find yourself settling for second best? Let me ask you a question...why is that? Is it due to comfort of convenience? Well, if Sir Alan Sugar was too comfortable in the early part of his life then he would not of fought to become the successful Business Man and TV Personality that he is today, he certainly knew what he wanted and he was willing to be persistent in order to obtain the success that he was looking for. Beyonce Knowles is also a very determined, persistent female...if she didn't persist in her singing career she would not be the 9 times Grammy-Award winning Singer that she is today. So you maybe thinking to yourself...I want to be persistent and win in my life, I want to get married, be a manager, get a promotion, I want a pay rise, I want to complete my degree, I want my book to be published...but I do not know how to complete what I start, I always seem to lose heart!! Don't despair...below I have typed up three golden tips that can use to help you become more persistent - which will cause you to be more successful in your life:

1) Keep the vision alive: Write out what you want to achieve, have a goal, write out what steps you need to take to make your dream come true (so it's really plain) then you need to really begin to imagine yourself in the position that you want to be in i.e. if you play football and you dream of being a Football Player for Chelsea Football Team - you need to be able to visualise this. I suggest that you do research on the team, buy the t-shirt, watch the games, get as fit as possible, play footie often and believe in the impossible. Tell your closest friends and family what you dream of achieving and they will help you and often ask you how things are going - which can really give you the motivation you need to prevail.

2) Believe that you can achieve greatness: 'If you aim for the sky you may hit the ceiling, if you aim for the ceiling you may reach the floor' someone once said this to me and I believe this is true. You have to aim high, but before you can aim high you must believe! You have to believe in yourself, you have to believe in the impossible, you have to know that you can do gr
eat things in your life. Also I must also say that you need to be around people who believe in you and who are like-minded (iron sharpens iron - proverbs), if you have friends that laugh at your dream then you need to stop telling them your business before they discourage you, get around positive people who have aspirations like you. If your a Fashion Designer, I bet you want doors to open for, maybe you'd like to see your clothes on celebrities or in stores. Start looking for opportunities to shine, maybe you need to start to be at the right places at the right times which involves attending fashion shows, visiting retail stores and speaking with other stylists. Do what you need to do to push for success and eventually your lucky moment will eventually come.

3) Overcome the fear of failure: Some people never achieve there goals or dreams because they often give
up when things get tough, boring or difficult. As soon as things do not go there way - they decided to settle for second best or look for a comfortable alternative. The bible says 'Be not weary in well doing for you shall reap if you faint not' in other words keep working hard, sowing seeds, believing, persisting and if you do not give up then you will reap the blessings that you desire. So maybe your a single want to get married and you have done everything you can to prepare yourself for marriage, maybe you've even tried on your wedding dream as an act of faith, you've bought books on marriage and done the tips they gave you...but it's still not happening. I would say to you, don't give up, don't despair...keep believing, keep yourself focused on the positive things in your life, don't date any random guys just to fill the void instead love yourself more and enjoy the simplicity of life, trust that you will know your husband when you meet him, picture your dream husband coming into your life at any moment. When the dream is real enough to you...then you are likely to see the aspiration happen in real life.

Friday 22 May 2009

Upcoming Festive Success Female Meeting - How to shine and be the best female that you can be

Dear Friends,

I am excited, as this Saturday 23rd of May, I am having a seminar for the ladies...well...more like a mini-group meeting on Festive Success and this time it's female empowering...I am so looking forward to delivering my message that I have come up with. I am going to be looking at issues within the meeting such as:

* How to love yourself, like your self and accept yourself

* How to focus on your strengths, potentials, your best qualities
* How to avoid wasting your time and energy on things that drain you.
* How to make your dreams, aspirations a living reality.
* How to live a fulfilled life and have success in business and work
* How to be the dream woman that you want to be
* We'll have some festively fun discussions, network and do some mini-activities, over some nice food at a local restaurant. yeppie :-)

I am very excited and I really have a passion to see people become more successful and above all I want to see 'you be the best you that you can be' this may involve letting go of some past memories, letting go of past hurts, changing friends, putting some boundaries, getting out of comfort zones, thinking positive, letting go of what was and beginning to focus on what is today and what will be in the future (which is greatness, living the dream and more success). I have decided to stop wasting my time on things that affect my joy - lets decide to do this together :-)

If you are interested in attending this female event tomorrow (23rd May 2009)...holler at me or if you would like to come to the next festive success group meeting (which is sometimes mixed or sometimes just for females) then send me an email:

Many thanks...more updates, blogs and articles coming super soon :-)

Oh quick tip: I watched a video today on youtube by Dr Jeanine and she gave a message on 'Don't give your pearls to swine' (scripture that somes from Matthew in the bible) I think that she is so right...some people are just not worth your time, you try to give them love but the throw it back in your just let go of them and focus on the people that truly love and adore you :-) You deserve to be happy and you deserve to the best female that you truly want to be :-)


Queen Chioma :-)
sign up to my website at:

Monday 11 May 2009

How to Finish Strong

"If you believe in youself and know what you want your gonna make it happen, make it happen, and if your getting on your knees at night and pray to the Lord he's gonna make it happen, make it happen" Mariah Carey

Many people want things in life but they do not want it bad enough, if they did they would be willing to do whatever good things they need to do to make it happen, they would be willing to endure till the end. I have found that in my life I had to endure with studying my BA degree, the glory part was the graduation and the success of having the degree but it took hard work, dedication, commitment and consistency to arrive at the graduation stage and now I am able to enjoy my success. I am sure that you have overcome some struggles and been victorious, I want to encourage you to never give up and to not settle for second best in your life. Maybe you are just about to complete your book but your getting stressed and can not be bothered anymore...don't quit work harder. Below are some tips on how you can finish strong.

) Be Ambitious: In order to finish your exams, degree, coursework, to overcome past hurts, to get a promotion in work, in order for you not to give up in life when the going gets tough you need to begin by having a mental view of what you want to achieve, you need to be ambitious. Ambition is about having a passion, goals, dreams and aspirations, a desire for success and wanting the good things in life that life has to offer. I encourage you to write out your ambitions and put them on your wall if need be to remind yourself of what you want to achieve - this will make you become a winner, this will make you determined to complete the good work you have started. If you forget your goals then you will forget the reason why you need to work harder and you'll see now point of fighting to cross the finish line.

2) Remind yourself of the rewards: So you want to get a new car, perhaps your saving up for it right now and your close to having the exact money you need to buy the car and all of a sudden the temptation comes for you to go on a shopping spree...resist the urge, write a list of the benefits that you will achieve through buying your dream car, for example 'A new car will lift my confidence', 'I will be able to go anywhere I want to in the comfort of my own car', 'I will have the car of my dreams', 'I won't need to rely on public transport anymore'. You see...your now beginning to realise that the benefits out way the urge to go shopping...clothes and shoes will always come and go but a car is so valuable so don't trade your chance of having a car for a short lived shopping spree. Be determined to finish strong and gain your true reward.

3) Have faith:
In order to complete a task, a mission, a chore you need to have faith that you can do it, it all starts in the mind. In order to succeed in your business or if you want to run a marathon and get to the finish line successfully, then you need to begin to change your thinking...believe that you can do it, you need to believe that you are able. Ask yourself 'what is preventing me from being as determined as I want to be in my life?' Is it people? Is it my friends? Is it negative thinking? Is it my past failures? Well if you want to succeed then you need to make small changes for good results. Start by surrounding yourself with like-minded people, people who encourage you, practice faith and belief. Speak like a winner; say things like 'I can make it', 'I will win', 'I am determined to succeed', 'I will finish strong'. If you keep it up and keep it up and keep it up and keep it up...eventually you will MAKE IT HAPPEN. Congratulations :-)

Best wishes. Queen Chioma

Monday 12 January 2009

3 Top Tips on how to be Successful and Happy in 2009

By Queen Chioma Nworgu

1) Reinvent a new you:
Decide to be a new person this 2009, get excited that you can change and be more amazing. Make a drastic change - maybe it could be to totally transform your image, redecorate your bedroom, get a totally new fashionable wardrobe, or to get a shocking new hair cut, replace your old furniture. Start writing your book. Decide go on a travelling adventure abroad for a few months. Or to totally cut back on something that makes you so predictable at home i.e. No more gossiping at work. When you do something amazing and different. Everyone will notice a change and you will like yourself more also. I will give you an example - Rhianna, when she came out with the Umbrella song - her image was totally different, the black hair etc. Everyone was like wow!! Sometimes we have to step out the boat and do something wow :-) I suggest that you challenge yourself to make three big changes this year to be the new YOU that YOU want to be.
Ask I too predictable and boring?
What can I do you reinvent a new me?
What three things will I do to be a more interesting and fascinating this 2009?

2) Dare to Dream Big and Reach for your Aspirations:
So often we can live our lives like it's one big routine and truly forget what we really want. Sometimes we have to take a drastic decision for things to change. Refresh your memory by asking yourself what you really want to achieve to live a fulfilling life. Write out exactly what it is that you would like to see happen in 2009, no matter how big or small it is. Maybe you would like to become a Manager, or start your own Fashion Business, become a Fitness Instructor, part take in a TV programme or work for Radio station. Well, it will not happen unless you begin doing something about it. I suggest write down three of your top goals and write down all the steps that you will need to take to achieve them. Then set reminders on your outlook, phone or diary and keep doing something everyday to work towards your goals. Visualise where you will like to be this time next year. Dream big and go for it :-)
Tip: It may not happen over night, but be persistent and patient, don't let anyone force you into change, rather work on things step by step, also be careful who you tell your dreams to, as some may try to discourage you.
Ask yourself....what can I do to live out my dreams?
What is my personal development plan for 2009?
Am I afraid of change?

3) Reflect on your Successes and Victories:
Write down at least 10 things that you are so proud about or that you have achieved in your life. Read this list at least twice a week. Remind yourself of your past successes as they say that 'Success breeds success'. Think about how you got your job, how you obtained your best grades at school and your qualifications, reflect on that great speech that you gave that got you a standing ovation at your work meeting, think about how you managed to quit smoking or how you started your own business. The more you do this, you will become more positive, happy and thankful. You will also become more confident - which is important. Stop wasting your time by reflecting on all your failures - start to reflect on your successes from today onwards.
Ask it healthy to compare myself to others?
Am I limiting myself by not recognising that I am a great person?
What can I do to love and like myself more?

Hope you enjoyed my blog.

Enjoy your start to 2009 :-)