Thursday 17 September 2009

4 Keys to Overcoming Anger in a healthy way

Dear Friends,

Let's talk about ANGER today as we all have anger about something or another. Let's face it we have all been hurt, had some rough challenges and been mistreated by those who we trusted and believed in the most. Maybe you lost your job and you feel that it's unfair or even worse maybe you are in a situation where your boyfriend has cheated on you and you feel very much betrayed or perhaps you always find yourself getting angry over the fact that your sister always wears your clothes without your permission - either way anger must be dealt with in a healthy way so below I have typed up some tips on how you can deal with anger in a healthy way.

1) Forgive =
The first step to overcoming anger is to forgive the person who has hurt you. That may seem impossible as you might say to me 'Chioma if you only know what that person has done to me then you wouldn't expect me to forgive them' well I would answer you by saying 'I totally understand how you feel but holding resentment in your heart will never solve the problem and it will only affect you. Joyce Meyer an international preacher often says 'hurting people hurt people, whoever hurt you probably has more problems than you and why should you sit around and be mad at someone who is out having a good time...your smarter than that' I suggest that you forgive..forgiveness cleanses your soul and gets rid of that bitter water. Always remember that someone has had to forgive you too so be generous with mercy too. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you have to have to take back a boyfriend wo cheated and it doesn't mean that you have to be bestfriends with a friend that stabbed you in the can decide that you won't be that close to the person if you don't think it's healthy but the main thing is letting go of the hatred, bitchiness and hatred.

2) Get Active = What do you do that makes you feel better? Is it dancing? Is it singing? Is it writing? Maybe you could set up a blog and start an online journal and post poems or something intriguing like that. This will be a step forward in helping you to overcome your anger. Boxing is also a great way to release pented up emotions of anger. Other than that speak to friends, family about how you feel as they can be a good shoulder to lean on and offer you with some good old healthy advice. Do something positive to express your anger in a healthy way.

3) Shake it off = At one stage or another you must finally come to the stage where you realise that you must get over it, that what has happened is in the past...let it go, shake it off. Shake off that oldness and press forwards to the good things that lie ahead. Make a decision that you will not let it bother you anymore but that you will be a good person and happy and not bitter which leads in to point 4.

4) Succeed even more than ever before =
It is easier said than done but I would venture to say that we should always aim to 'be better in life and not bitter'. Don't let what someone has done to you turn you into a sour person but rather decide to be the best you that you can be. Let your anger be your reason to work harder, let this anger make you want success even more, be passionate about success, prove people wrong who have mocked you, prove that you can be a success story. Katie Price has said that 'Success is the best form of revenge' I agree with that. Never do evil but overcome and conquer evil with good as the bible says (easier said than done but in time you will be able to do this). Success, success, success get on with making your dreams and goals a reality then you will not have anymore time to be angry as you will be too busy celebrating your achievements!!

Good luck, YOU CAN and YOU WILL overcome anger :-)

I love you and support you!!

Chioma xxxx

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